Friday, February 4, 2011

Silly Boy...:)

Still playing catch up with the baby and all...I have months to go, but these were some funny pictures of Krew in October of last year! Love this sweet boy:)
Krew putting on mommys Uggs...So funny!

Kash 2 weeks old Pics...

Our cute little Kash at his 2 week old photo shoot :) He was such a good boy. He pretty much stayed asleep the entire time and just let the photographer position him whichever way she wanted. Krew was such a good brother and good boy for the pictures too. He is such a good natured, sweet kid.  These pictures are so precious of the two boys together and I am so glad I have them!! Thanks Heidi :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby Kash...

Just some random pictures of the baby from the hospital, better late than never!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Big Brother

Krew and Kaia holding the new little baby brother/cousin:) Krew is nothing but good to his little brother. He was so great with him and gave him kisses and hugs, such a sweet-sweet kid!

Krew and Kaia checking out the baby first...

Still looking at his new little brother...

Krew giving baby Kash loves, it melted mommy's heart :)

Proud Big Brother and cousin!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kash's First Bath

Daddy getting ready to give Kash his first bath. It was just a couple hours after he was born. Daddy did a good job and Kash liked the warm water, he just hated being naked and cold before and after.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some of our Hospital Visitors

We are so blessed to have so many friends and family! We had so many people come to the hospital, it makes your stay so worthwhile. It is nice to spend it with the ones you love:)

Grandma Kathy

Aunt Allie

Aunt Lindsay

Aunt Stacey

Papa Mike with the boys:)

Grandma Cynthia

Proud big brother Caden


Proud New Daddy with his dad, Papa Tom
Leslee, one of my best friends!