Wednesday, July 22, 2009

11 mOnThS oLd....

I am already 11 months old and such a ham...these pics show it all about my fun personality. I am always the life of the party!!! I love to eat still, can eat my mommy and daddy under the table (which is saying a lot!!) I love to crinkle my nose when I am excited and smile with my 2 front teeth, which is all i have still. I am getting a little naughty, but such a sweet boy at heart:)

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Best Little Buddy

My best friend...she still gets me but I am starting
to hold my own.

I still eat everything...!!!

So close to walking...Kaia Bear

Messes everywhere but always fun:)

Kisses for my best buddy!!!

Handsome boy

Monday, July 6, 2009

Kaia's 1st Birthday!!!!

Bitter sweet! My cousin just turned 1
which means I am not far behind...She has
been my buddy since the day I was born.
Love you Kaia bear! Happy 1st Birthday:)

Sweet girl...Happy Birthday! love you

Uncle Kyle

Grandpa Kent making me laugh...:)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

TrYiNg On My HaT...Won't wear it though!!

SO EXCITED!!! found a baba and ball too...

Cute Brown Eyed Baby Boy...

Where's my guitar to go with this pose?

I won't keep it on but I love to try and
put it on my head over and over...