Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Daddy

Me and my Daddy...
I love my daddy, he makes me laugh
and plays with me all the time! We
have so much fun together:)

Me trying on daddy's hat...

Friday, June 19, 2009


I am 10 Months old now and growing like a weed. I am crawling all over the place, and I look soo cute when I crawl. I am into everything and climbing all over too. I usually hit my head daily by trying a new adventure or pull something down on myself, I cry then do it all over again:)

Me talking! I say mamama now and
love making noise and talking lots.

Me making messes as usual watching my
baby Einsteins show

I Love to EAT...I am never Full!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My New Favorite Thing...The Coffee table!

I love standing against the coffee table
and walking along it over and over. I
think I am so Big...Then I turn from
the table to the couch without falling:)

Eyeing the couch, getting the courage
up to turn to it...

Look! I did it mommy:) YEAH

Finally CRAWLING...Everywhere :o)

Friday, June 5, 2009

a DaY aT tHe PoOl...

My first time swimming was so much FUN:)
Mommy and Daddy took me to Willowcreek
pool, it was cold but I didn't care at all.
I got right in and floated in my tube! I was
such a good boy. I hung out and crawled and
climbed on all the chairs and whatever I could
find. What a fun time, I LOVE THE WATER!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

My latest...

I love to stand a lot now. I still
don't exactly crawl but like to stand
and hold onto anything. My newest
trick is to turn from coffee table to couch
without falling! I was really good at it:)

i love to get anything that is
out...No wonder mommy says
our place is always a mess now!

Help I got my foot stuck!!!

I can't reach everything so
now I am done:(